During my time in this course, I would like to gain a broader understanding of each culture. I have many questions about each groups, such as: How and when did African-Native Americans and Afro-Latino come into existence? What are some of the significant contributions that each culture has made to society? What are similarities and differences between the African-Native American, Afro-Latino, and African American experience in America? Do either of these groups struggle with the inevitable burden of being negatively stereotyped, as other minorities in America do? What are some triumphs and downfalls of both cultures? Do the descendants of each group experience a higher role in society when compared to their purebred counterparts? Are they accepted into each parent-culture with open arms? Or are they outcasts and considered a contaminated version of the original?
I believe that at the conclusion of this Freshman Composition course, I will have gained familiarity with both cultures, have the answers to the aforementioned questions, and have a new perspective of African-Native Americans, Afro-Latinos, and myself. I look forward to learning more! :)
I hope we both find what we are looking for out of this course the stereotypes that affect both cultures is intersting to me as well.